Cesar Dog food is on B1G1 sale at publix starting 5/15 and ending 5/21.
The regular price for this food is $8.29.
Save $4.15 for each one you buy.
Coupons - There are no coupons available for this product
Even without coupons available for this dog food, half price is still a good deal. This sale says for Cesar adult dog food. I don't know what flavors of food they offer but the picture is of beef and I assume they have a chicken flavor. hopefully it is more than just one flavor. Then again, my dog is not picky !
Product Purchase Limit 10
If this is a stock up item for you, purchase 10 of these Cesar dog foods and save $41.50. This is a good savings. Will be even better if a coupon pops up .. and .. it could happen.